Thursday, June 30, 2005

A cute dog, a dumb dog, three cool dawgs, (ok, that is a stretch,) and a worm....on my sister's head.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Back to the

Well, my day off is officially over and I didn't read, but I did shuffle some books around a bit in my room...ok, a lot. They're all over my bed and my floor. I need to go organize them so I can sleep tonight before working tomorrow. Yeah. That sounds good.

Monday, June 27, 2005

A day off.

Tomorrow I have a day off from work. What shall I do? I am ready to sleep in, but how pathetic is it that I've reached the point where I want to, but I still feel I'm wasting the morning that way? I feel so silly. Anyway. I think I'll read a book...I don't know which, but a book. And I'll organize my bookshelves. I have too many books to fit in my room. I love them all too! It's just not fair. Oh well. So I'm a bookworm. I like being one! I think I'm going to go now, and maybe read or study something. I have a couple subjects I must 'master' over the summer.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Math....enough said.

I am watching She's All That on tv and doing math on the computer and in my notebook. Chris is sitting next to me. We're going to do something tonight, but I don't know what. We'll see later. Right now I'm going to do homework while he takes a nap.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Pier 347

Here I am. I have finally brought my awesomely Apple laptop down to Pier 347. I sit here sipping on a very cool Strawberry Blast smoothie, and I am enjoying myself. I only wish they were open past four. I'm going to have to leave in about fifteen minutes! :( Oh well. I'm going to surf the web some more, and then head home so I can do some more homework. I have it sitting next to me, and I'd do some here if I had more time, but I got stuck in construction and I have to 'conserve' my time. I don't often get free time to just sit and hang out here. And I love to. So here I am. Time to surf!

Sweltering temps and a full schedule out of

Today, it is HOT out. I'm considering picking up my paycheck, maybe doing some homework...ok I should do that first, and then heading over to the bank and to Pier 347, maybe work on Elythra a bit. For any of you that don't know, I'm currently writing a sci-fi/fantasy book. I won't call it a novel, it's not published, I'm not a writer...yet. But who knows how this will turn out. Right now, it's just kind of fun. I really have more characters right now than a story anyway. Oh well. Anyway, so I have a busy day, and a lot to finish before 4:30, when I'm getting picked up to hang out with Chris. :D Yay!

My new discovery...posting pictures.

I hope all can or have enjoyed that first joy of seeing something you just figured out all on your own work perfectly...or almost at least. That is what I am experiencing. I just posted pictures! Yay! These are some of my favorites of me and my boyfriend. Someday you all will see other pictures that I love, but first I have to learn to use a digital camera. Yes, I was born in the electronical stone age. Actually, not really. I just don't play with this stuff very much. I am only 19, after all. Oh well. I still have plenty of time to learn!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Haircuts and photos.

Hello again.
I'm trying to figure out this whole blogging thing. I would like to be able to post pictures on my corner of the web. That may come later though, when Chris figures out how to do it. I think I'll leave that to him. He's currently sitting in my kitchen, getting his hair cut. By my lil' sis. She's awesome at cutting hair. So, if anyone is in our neck of the woods, stop by for a trim!

Do I really know what I'm doing?

Ok, so I am still up. I'm playing around with all the settings on this blog, and really, truly, it's comforting to know that if I screw up in this, it will not ruin my chance to access the internet, play my guitar, (which I can't do anyway), fly ( another thing I can't do, at least without the assistance of a heavily gassed airplane), or in general live my quirky life. I can continue on, if I ruin this blog beyond repair, as if nothing had ever happened. This is fun, actually. I think I'll be playing with this at some point on the Pier 347 wireless connection...perhaps tomorrow....hmm....are you up for it Chris?

I am Random.

Hello all of you who got lost in Blogland. Somehow you managed to find my little blog in this little corner of the web. Don't you love how everything is free if you're willing to be hit with spam every once in a while? Personally, I can take as much spam as my computer stores. I'm not worried about getting a virus, or some sort of computer wrecker from any e-mails I get. You see, I have a Mac. And they are simply cool like that. Well, I am going on a lunch date with my simply fabulously wonderful boyfriend Chris tomorrow, and it is currently 1:04 I should sleep so I wake up in time for lunch. ( my day off from work. Yay!)

Ok, enough blogging for tonight.

Love ya, lost ones.