Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Back to school.

Well, I'm finally moved in to school, and classes started today. I can't guarentee the frequencies of my blogs now, because for some reason the USD firewall doesn't like to let me on this site. I can see other people's blogs, but not my own. So this is the first time in awhile that I"ve been on here.
Anyway, I actually have homework I have to do. I have to memorize a song and a half for an audition I have tomorrow. I just got the music about 2 today, so I have a lot to do. Love ya all!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Courtney Linn.

This is my friend Courtney Linn and me. She just sent me this picture, and I thought it was cool, so I'm posting it. She is one of my great friends from Northwestern, and she has aspirations toward photography. She's a sweetheart.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Well, once again I'm multitasking, and really not doing the one thing I am supposed to be doing. I'm blogging (obviously), chatting with Chris and with my dear Sara, listening to music, and surfing the web. I should be packing, but dinners going to be ready soon, and I'll have to head down, so I figure I'm allowed a bit of mess around time.
I have to be packed by tonight, or at the very latest tomorrow morning, and I'll be back at school by Saturday.

By the way, Cody? If you're still checking out my blog, you should call me from whatever number you and Susan want me to call you at, and I'll stick it in my phone...otherwise I'll just be calling you one of these days...either way. :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Multitasking is addicting.

I'm currently watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the movie) surfing the web, chatting on AIM, and sorting papers that I should have gone through two months ago. Well, actually, I just finished the stack of papers. What should I do now? The debate is between trying on jeans and studying music theory. Since the theory doesn't necessarily involve moving around a whole lot, and therefore not missing my movie, I think I'll opt for that. I'm such a geek. Oh well. Time to study, I suppose.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

All night, All Day.

Ok, so I pulled an all-nighter. I didn't even do anything exciting. I cleaned the bathroom, and my room as well. How sad is that? I also wrote for a bit, but mainly I cleaned. Now church is in an hour, and I'm so tired! Oh well. I have the afternoon free, and I intend to use it! Naptime.....mmmmmm. I have a very large coffee sitting next to me. Somehow I think I"ll be making another before heading off.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I miss school.

Yes, Kit, I know, I've joined the league of conformity! I have rebelled against rebellion! Oh well. Don't worry, I'm sure it's only temporary. Anyway, let me explain why I miss school. I want to go practice. How sad is that? Ok, maybe not so sad since I have to do that to survive as a performance major. Still, is there something wrong with me? Who cares. I guess I'm stuck. I also miss the whole regular meal time/food intake levels/lower snacking levels. Summer really screws with my schedules. Maybe I'm more anal than I let on? Somehow that's really hard to imagine, especially for me. Oh well. It sounds like I have a nice roommate. I was kind of worried about that, it being USD, but somehow it's worked out. She's a peppy freshman, or at least that's what I've gathered from our one phone conversation. It should be fun. Hey, at least I don't have to learn a new roommate name! Her name is Mary Anderson, and my last roommate was Mary Elston. (For additional knowledge, our neighbor's name was Mary Hiemstra.) I know a lot of mary's. Ok, so now I think I'm going to work out and go to bed. By the way, if anyone has figured out how to fit in a workout at another point in the day when working a full time job, without! having to get up earlier, let me know. Thanks. :) Ok. time to go.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows.

Ok, everyone will understand the title once they go to bounceeverywhere.com and click on the "download the song" link in the bottom right corner. You don't actually have to download just to listen (I don't think...). Catchy, huh?
That's all for now.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Well, I'm happy to report that the day actually went very well, despite my working a 9 hour shift. (I didn't have to clean smoking rooms! Yay!) Michelle played the model tonight and I played makeup artist/photographer. Wanna see some pics? Well you have to, because here they are.


So I'm actually in the midst of getting ready for work today. I get to go and clean up after all the bikers, and then come home and clean up after my sister and me. Oh well. At least I'm getting paid to do one of those. How much you wanna bet I get stuck in the smoking rooms again? Sorry, I blame my slightly grumpy attitude on having just woken up from too little sleep. I really, really am looking forward to Wednesday. My day off!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! Ok, back to getting ready for work. I have to leave in about 8 minutes.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Ok, so I really plan to be better about blogging in the future. Perhaps, when I get back to school, and have less, but more spread out, time, I shall blog more. What else will I have to do? (Besides practicing, homework, a job, a WONDERFUL boyfriend, and friends, of course.)
So anyway, I got to see my summit roomies, Sara and Hannah, for a few days, and we had a blast! Amanda, if you're reading this, I will call you....I'm sorry I haven't called sooner!!! I'm sure to the rest of you that was confusing. Don't worry. If you want to be more confused, please do ask and I shall elaborate. No. You know what? I'll just post a picture.

Ok, left to right is Amanda, Hannah, me, and Sara. My roomies from summit, and some of my close friends. Congrats Amanda on your soon to be new last name! I wish you the absolute best with your Love.
Well, that's about all I can handle for now. Perhaps I shall write a few letters before bed. Who knows? I can be productive when I choose to be.