Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ok, so I totally thought it'd be romantic comedy....

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Cult Classic

Quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few.
But if someone's obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky.

Your best movie matches: Office Space, Showgirls, The Big Lebowski

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My Brother's Duel (title of song)

Gabcast! My music #1

Ok, this is a link to a very poorly done soundbyte of a song I wrote. I'm sorry for the crudeness, I'm working on getting it improved.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dealing with the Stress.

Ok, so here's what's going on in my life. I've got a vocal competition I'm entered in on Saturday. I have a presentation to do in class thursday (this one's cake). I have a five page paper due Monday. I have a ten page paper due two weeks from Thursday. I have german homework nearly every night from a prof who seems to think we have nothing better to do than to bask in German. I have voice juries, essentially my major finals, in three weeks, and finals week in four weeks. In amongst this, I am planning a wedding, and I've begun working at Ace Garden Center again. The garden center opens friday, so everyone, including me, is putting in extra hours to make sure we meet that deadline. We are also apartment hunting right now. Life is fun.

Fortunately, my boss gave me tonight off, and I admittedly skipped german, but I called a friend to find out about the homework, and there is none. So tonight, I've had somewhat of a break. Yes, I should have spent some of it working on papers and my voice stuff, but it was nice to have recuperation time. Chris and I did look at some invitations, but we didn't get very far, which is ok. Tomorrow the craziness will begin again, and much too early I might add, for me to stay up this late, but oh well. I'm enjoying my breather. I'm going to read a chapter in my book, and then go to bed.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

You get to vote!

Ok, as you can all see, I've finally updated my blog. With this update, I've decided to change the picture of me from me in high school to me now. Here's the catch. I took a few in photo booth, with effects, that I may want to use. If enough of you vote, I'll probably listen to you on which one to pick. If very few vote, I'll pick it myself. So vote!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Y'all wanna see something funny?

Ok, so first of all, I got a haircut. The haircut looks nice, I like it, but it's shorter than most people have seen on me in awhile. This fact, combined with the fact that I bought those overnight curlers just for fun, yeah, well, hilarity ensues. Apparently you are only to use these things when you have extremely long hair, as I did when I was younger. In any case, I thought I"d share the pictures with all of you before I wet my hair down to tame it and go to work.

Update: Ok, so I didn't feel like showering, as I showered just before bed last night, and so here's my hair after two bands and a bit of straightening balm. :)