Saturday, March 29, 2008

I'm back!

Ok, so I've been back for a week, but at least I'm blogging again. One week from today, my recital takes place, and I"m somewhat more ready for it, though I've still got a ways to go...I'm goin got go study for it next. I've got a concert tonight as well, the last official concert of my college career, supposedly, though we're doing a Vivaldi's Gloria concert, (I think with the Sioux City Symphony? Maybe?) in about 3 weeks to a month. We haven't started working on that yet though, so that'll be what choir consists of for the next however many rehearsals till that concert. But I digress.
It's weird. Once my recital's over, and the opera is over the week following, most of my schoolwork will be done. Yes, I have other classes, but those two events have been taking up the bulk of my rehearsal time, and I don't know what I'm going to be doing after that. Probably packing for our move.
Well, I should probably go study for the recital. I've got 4 1/2 songs left to memorize...that's down from 10, but still.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Going off the grid.

Today I leave for choir tour. Not that you probably would have seen a post anyway, but this is to let everyone know that I'll be unavailable for contact by any way except phone until Wednesday evening. Feel free to call me if you wish, though I may not answer immediately, as I'll have a crazy schedule over the next few days.

Talk to you soon!

Friday, March 07, 2008

It's a Boy!

This one shows he's a boy!

This is his face...remember, the ultrasound mostly just picks up bones, not skin...

These are his big feet...he apparently takes after his dad! :)

Top view, head and knees to feet.

His arms, hands in little fists.

You can see, or maybe you can, that he is all there and very healthy. He was moving a lot during the ultrasound, so we weren't able to get a good full body shot, but that's alright. Yes, we have a name, no we're not saying...yet... :)

Monday, March 03, 2008

Warning: Recital Looms Closer.

Yeah, so today I have to study for my recital a ton. It's in about a month, and I'm still learning my pieces...which is to say I"m not even comfortable enough with them to perform them in class, let alone for a grade as a performance. A month would be a long time, if it weren't for the fact that spring break is in the middle of it, with choir tour and then easter taking that time up. So I've got about two weeks before we leave, and then about a week when we get back....scary. I plan to spend most of the afternoon working on translations and notes. I'm posting here so I don't put it off and actually get work done....because, hey, even after all that, a month is a long time! :)