Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Winding down.

Well, the opera is finished, as is my recital. Both went reasonably well, and I'm glad to have each in the past. My days are much more relaxed now, almost to the point of boredom, (though I still have too many projects and things to do to be truly bored), and I am enjoying the break.

I began packing yesterday for our big move in May. We picked up boxes from the local liquor store this afternoon for more packing, and, consequently, Chris' car is full of all sorts of boxes. It's rather funny to look in the windows, really, as there's such a variety to the boxes that we really don't look very good. The guy at the liquor store laughingly said that we should tell our new neighbors as we're moving in that all the boxes are from our own collection and that we saved them from all the liquor we drink. While funny, probably not the best idea....

We are driving down to Lincoln, NE, on Friday to scope out apartments and hopefully have one nailed down by the end of the weekend. I've been setting up appointments with different places for the past couple days and Saturday is pretty full, to the point that we're packing a lunch to eat in the car in case we don't have any other time to eat. Hopefully, we'll be able to stop for lunch though, as we'll probably need the break eventually.

I'm avoiding homework tonight. I don't really have a deadline, other than the end of the semester, but I really should hand it in this week. The problem is, the work is just busy work, and I know it's going to take at least 2 hours once I begin. Because of this, I don't want to begin it at this time of night. I am justifying not doing it by saying that I"m going to stop now and get some chores and packing done, and do the homework tomorrow during my long afternoon break. Yeah, that sounds good. :)

That's all for now.

P.S. Baby and Chris are doing great. Baby is kicking like crazy, and Chris likes to watch him shake my stomach with his kicks. I don't mind this, as long as Baby doesn't kick a nerve, or my bladder!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Wow, Karen! You sound so busy! Good luck with the rest of your semester... it's so close to being over. Then you guys have to hurry up and move so you both have a little breathing room before the baby comes! And good luck with your apartment hunting. Lincoln is a fun town and you guys will love it. Oh, and if you do have time to eat, find a Doozy's. They make awesome subs and have several shops all over town.