Thursday, March 16, 2006

The trip and future plans and such.

Hi all! By popular request, I'm going to write about all that good stuff.

So the trip. Well, Chris and I, and three other people, went to Kansas City for spring break. It was fun. We did (Chris and I) decide not to attend seminary, after visiting it there and finding that it didn't suit nearly as well as planned. Which is ok. Because we have other future plans. More on that in a minute. We also went to this great place called Swagat Indian Cuisine. Authentic indian food, slightly expensive, but split a $45 bill four ways isn't too bad for 2 appetizers, 2 main courses, 3 orders of bread, and coconut soup for me (my favorite dish!!!). Definitely my favorite restaurant that we went to on the trip. We also went to an outdoor shopping mall, a movie, and hung out at sem. It was a lot of fun.

Future plans. Well, Chris is planning to get his Masters in Business Administration while I finish up my undergrad, and then when we're both done, I'm planning on grad school. Near future plans and such? Well, my good ol' 8 am class is in the morning, and if I get to bed now, I can get just over six hours of sleep. Goodnight!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. What would you go to Grad school for? Inquiring minds need to know!
~SRW :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! Someone I know from outside of psychology who doesn't think spending a decade or more of one's prime years working to advance the careers of others is a waste of time and money! Go grad school! :D Nerds of the world UNITE! Have you read Jorge Cham's Piled Higher and Deeper comic strip? It's about grad students and it can be hilarious.

So anyway, I have to ask: What field? What degree? PhD, maybe? How cool would it be to be Dr., um, whatever your last name is going to be? Which schools are you looking at? Have you started studying for the GRE? Do you think you'll take the old or the new GRE? I'm partial to the old myself, but only because I've already been studying for two years for it.