Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I had a lady at work tell me that I should be a botany major. She seemed quite shocked when I said that I am not good enough at science to make it as a botany major, and I simply don't enjoy it as much. I should interject for all of you that don't know, that I actually work in a greenhouse, but I was hired as a watergirl, and simply picked up enough about most of the plants that they let me run the place on my own most evenings and weekends. I enjoy my job, but I don't think I'd enjoy all the extra crap I'd have to learn to major in that. Plus, greenhouses are fickle. I've learned that much at least. You're either extremely dependent on the weather, which can still destroy your plants, or you have an insanely high water bill. (At least in South Dakota summer heat you do...)

I told this lady that I am a Vocal performance major, and when she asked what I was going to do with that, if I was going to sing opera or what, I kind of fumbled with the answer. See here's my sort-of-not-so-secret fear about my major. This is not a very highly demanded career path I'm on. And I look around, and see all the other people majoring in the same thing, not just at my school but at others too, and I think, you know, we're all jockeying for elbow space as it is...what's it going to be like when we all graduate? I suppose the majority of us will find other jobs. I'd like to be able to get into a job where it wasn't minimum wage hourly crap....but who knows. I've always wanted to run my own business, honestly, but I'm not so sure I have the business savvy for that. My two ideas for that were either a coffee shop, or a and music, probably, or maybe just music, but preferably both. See, I would LOVE to own a coffee of those late night ones for college students with the overstuffed couches and the odd but cool artwork? That's one of the things I've always always wanted to do...but do I have enough business savvy to be able to ensure that I could take out a business loan, get this thing off the ground, and keep it going indefinitely? I've never worked in a coffee shop before! That would probably help...

The studio, honestly, fits into my major better. I've always had in the back of my mind that I could teach lessons in piano and voice, and maybe art...but just have this place for kids, junior high and up, probably, where they could go after school and be safe and non-destructive and have fun and still learn about the arts. It'd have to be in a bigger city, and I have no idea how I'd fund it...maybe I'd run it like teen daycare....I don't know...but I wanted to be able to do lessons for underprivelaged kids too, and maybe see if I can network and get other instrumentalists to teach other instruments, maybe even the older kids teaching the younger kids, if they're good enough. That is a plan that I think I would be estatic about doing, but I'm just afraid to attempt it. See, I could really do it now, but I'm just in too small of a town for it to work well, and I don't want to get it crushed and then be afraid to try again. Yeah....So I could do this studio, and maybe attach a coffee shop? :D Who knows...

Ok, that's enough for tonight. It was certainly long enough. Congrats on making it all the way through!


Anonymous said...

Several points:
A) You are too good enough to be a botany major. It's just that botany sucks and you have better things to do. :)

B) Academia is the same way! Too many people vying for too few jobs, and in psychology at least, the grant money is drying up, hence I'll never be able to get money to study straight behavior analysis and am going into behavioral pharmacology instead (it's essentially the same questions and procedures, but you throw drugs into the mix, which is fun in its own way). We can both be overeducated jobless wonders. :D

C) I like the business ideas. Hey, I don't even drink coffee and I'd go to that coffee shop (especially if you had free wireless and maybe use-in-house laptop rentals, hint hint!). Just one warning, though: by junior high, the underprivileged kids are already quite hardened--have you thought about getting to them earlier, maybe with an afterschool program like the one you describe? And isn't Chris a business major? I bet he could help get a business off the ground.

Anonymous said...

May I also say that your blog looks SO FREAKIN' GOOD on the Mac I'm on right now?! It's so much better than it is on the PC, I just can't believe it.

You know, Macs are nice-looking. They're sleek and clean and run practically everything the PCs do. Macs are really the computer for Beautiful People. But I need my right click (well, that and the ability to program experiments in Visual Basic)! So I guess I shall forever remain a PC person. :(

cdejabet said...

All Macs can right click! All new ones have a new mouse that does right click. But if you are using a Mac that is older than 6 months, and has a one-button mouse, hold control, then click. There's the long way around right click.

Also, if you just go get a two-button mouse and plug it in to an older Mac, the right click iwll just work.

As far as Visual Basic...condolences.