Friday, December 08, 2006

Fishy! Wake Up!

Fishy, Wake up! Why are you sleeping??

Ok, I feel like Darla off of Finding Nemo right now. Let me tell you about my recent pets. Well, you all remember Thekthi? Well, Thekthi died over thanksgiving break. I think I gave him a concussion when I changed his water, since there's a rock on the bottom of the bowl, and when I put him back in the tank after changing the water, he hit his head on it. He died two days later.

After that, I meant to get more fish, but I decided to go with goldfish this time around. I waited awhile, and I just bought them Tuesday night. I had not even named them before they were floating belly up. Chris told me that I could return them within 24 hours and get new fish in exchange, so that's what I did. I decided to go with larger fish, in hopes that they would be healthier and live longer. Chris and I named them Orange Juice and Coffee, since one was orange and one was black. They died within about four hours.

After that, I wasn't gonig to get any more fish for awhile, but I decided to try one more time. I got two more large fantail goldfish, and I named them Milk and Cookie. (One was white, one was orange and white.) They died by after about six hours.

Tonight, I returned my fish, and got the money back. After returning fish to Wal-Mart three times in four days, I've officially given up on fish for now.


Psychobunny said...

Ohhhh! Sad. But you're no Darla! This is so not your fault. Maybe they would be healthier if you got them somewhere else? My cousin works in pets at the Wal-Mart at home sometimes and she says the fish mortality due to disease is really high there.

My old goldfish Miss Fishy died after hitting her head against some plastic wrap we had over the tank to keep her from jumping out. I bet she and Thekthi both had aneurysms or something and the head bump just burst them. And my first goldfish, the posthumously-named George, died because we didn't think about water quality and used tap water in the tank instead of purified.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your fish...but I kind of had to chuckle at how you journaled the past few events. You're quite the writer. Have you tried a Beta? I think those live longer...but you only get to have one at a time. I agree with psychobunny-I've heard Walmart doesn't have the best reputation for keeping fish alive. Better luck next time!